Written By: Jordan Buschert
Part 1 of 3
Alright. So I know I said I’m gonna stay off social media for a while but needed to make this post. I’m done with social media being so fake. People compare their own lives to what other peoples lives look like through the lens of social media and it is so toxic, people need to realize that social media is so beyond fake. People try to portray their lives as something it’s not to make others jealous, I’m guilty of it too, in the past I’ve had a terrible day and then went to social media raving about how good it was. I’m so done with the dishonesty. Honestly If you’re having a bad day don’t pretend it’s good, on the flip side, don’t pretend that you are in pain just for the attention. But seriously, it’s so dangerous how people look at others lives on social media and they see other relationships and they think that couples should never fight, what they don’t see is the everyday struggle that that couple actually goes through and the fact that they do fight but they work through it. People don’t see what happens outside of social media and they get a distorted view of what reality is. People compare their lives to others social media but the thing is you don’t see that person outside of it. You don’t see that person struggling with their depression, struggling with anxiety, struggling with their life at home, the fact they’re bullied or beaten, you don’t see that this person is struggling just like you are and you compare yourself to them. It needs to stop. You need to stop comparing your life to what you think someone else’s life may look like. Truth is everyone struggles, some more than others obviously but no ones life is perfect. We need to accept the fact that in life people hurt, things go wrong and we can’t always control everything. You were made perfectly and your situation doesn’t change that. God loves YOU. He doesn’t love you any less than the person you compare yourself to. We are all perfect in his eyes and there is nothing we can do to change that. I’m done pretending on social media, I’m gonna be honest with others and myself. The truth is right now I’m hurting like crazy and I’m not gonna pretend I’m good anymore. Stop being fake.